One other little tid
bit on Photoshop, I highly suggest that just because you
can add lights in Photoshop, DON'T. They don't make a good
looking scene and it comes out looking really bad. Let me
teach by example:
I feel that the hand
drawn one is MUCH better than the one using a filter.
Always try and remember
your light source. Light comes from somewhere, be it a window
or a lamp or just some spot in the room, light comes from
that point.
You can even use this
technique to redraw over ripped backrounds or objects. It
would make your game look better if all the art seemed to
come from your hand and not a wall you drew with a Full
Throttle door pasted on it. Just trace that door and people
won't even know... What ever you need to do to get the picture
to look like how you want it, doesn't matter. You can scan
pictures out of magazines and trace those images, find a
picture of a statue online and trace it and colour it and
people will think you drew it completely by yourself. People
don't need to know the process that went in to the drawing,
just that the drawing was completed and looks nice.
I think that is all.
If there is a better way to do all of this than feel free
to email me
or write your own tutorial. I hope you found this useable.
eric out